Hangzhou Normal University

  • 网络杭州师范大学;杭州师范学院
Hangzhou Normal UniversityHangzhou Normal University
  1. Social cost Shen Jiawei , 21 , is a primary education major at Hangzhou Normal University .


  2. Prevention and treatment strategy for influenza A / H1N1 of the affiliated hospital of Hangzhou Normal University


  3. Hangzhou Normal University organized the Confucius Institute , in addition to Chinese characteristics , It will bring more distinctive flavor of Hangzhou .


  4. I flunked my exam for university twice before I was accepted by what was considered my city 's worst university , Hangzhou Normal University .


  5. According to the police , the driver was a20-year-old man named Hu and he is presently a sports major at the Hangzhou Normal University .


  6. Ma failed his college entrance exams twice . He managed to enroll in Hangzhou Normal University on his third attempt , where he studied English .


  7. In College English teaching attention has been paid as always to the non-English majors ' listening and speaking abilities , for the neglect of the development of their translation competence . The Hangzhou Normal University ( HZNU ) is not an exception .
